Setting up a User Group

Please note that only an Admin user may create and manage user groups.

A User Group is a simply a collection of users with whom a given dashboard may be shared.

For example, if you wish to configure a specific dashboard view for all of your Store Managers, the process would be a simple as:

  • Configure and save your dashboard
  • Create a new User Group named "Store Managers"
  • Assign all relevant users to this group
  • Visit the sharing settings on your dashboard and share it with this group.

All of those users will then have access to that dashboard when they log in.

Adding a new user group

To add a new user group:

  1. Head to "Account Admin"
  2. Select "Manage Groups"
  3. Select "Create Group"
  4. In the form that appears, enter the name of your group
  5. Optionally enter a description to help you distinguish between groups in the future
  6. Enter the "Ordinal" value - this is used to determine priority order in the event that a given user is a member of multiple groups and the platform needs to understand which dashboard  to show them at login.
  7. Hit "Confirm"

You will now see your new user group added to the list on the Manage Groups page.

Adding users to your new user group

To add one or more users to your new user group:

  1. Select the group name from the list on the Manage Groups page
  2. Under "Group Members" search for users by name or email address
  3. Choose all users you wish to add
  4. Select "Assign Selected Users"

You will now see those users presented in a table, where you may also choose to remove them in future.

You may also add an individual user to a user group directly from the Manage User page.

Editing a user group

Should you wish to make changes to a user group, such as renaming, removing or managing it's members, simply select the group name from the list on the Manage Groups page.


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